• Dessert

    Flourless Chocolate Cake

    This cake is perfection. It’s dense, but not too intense, enticing you to eat just another small bite again and again … and again … until you’ve actually eaten quite a large slice (or, perhaps, the whole cake). Everyone loves this cake. It’s the perfection of gluten-free: you don’t notice that there’s no flour in it, just that it’s like eating rich chocolate clouds. 

    However, when I went back and looked at the ingredients, I realized how unethical a cake it is. Cocoa. Sugar. Butter. Almonds. Eggs. Other than water and salt, almost all the ingredients in this cake have a variety of problems in their supply chains. (The cocoa supply chain relies on forced labor, child labor, and causes deforestation, among other issues; sugar production relies on forced labor and often harms the environment; butter produces greenhouse gases and often has labor abuses – you get the idea.)